About the Archive of Hilma Granqvist

Granqvist’s anthropological research and her five published books on the village Artas are available in The Archive of Hilma Granqvist. The archive material is grouped into five categories: Correspondence, Fieldnotes, Palestine journals, Photographs, and Unpublished manuscripts.

Users are able to browse the material or click on and magnify individual pages for easy reading. Persons, place names, and anthropological topics present in the Palestine journals and Photographs are searchable. The topics (in Swedish) are collected under headings in accordance with ALLÄRS – Allmän thesaurus på svenska. Information on most individuals includes year of birth and year of death as well as a brief professional resumé or location. Historical and biblical figures are also included. Arabic names have been transliterated according to the Encyclopaedia of Islam Three (EI3). The names of more widely known individuals are linked to further reading. Each individual from Artas has a personal code that corresponds to Granqvist’s genealogical tables in Marriage Conditions in a Palestinian Village I and II. Palestinian place names are supplied with coordinates and are linked to a map. Locations are given according to the way the respective regions were divided up at the time of Granqvist’s field studies.