Search in Granqvist’s books

The search only includes Granqvist’s published books (Muslim Death and Burial excluded).

Search instructions

Use the search box to perform free-text searches in the titles and content of the texts. The search looks for whole words and is not case-sensitive. If the search string consists of multiple search words, the search results will include all texts where at least one of the search words appears (unless otherwise specified, the logical operator between the words is OR). A search for e.g. railway canal shows all texts that contain at least one of the words railway and canal.

The following search operators can be used:

  • + before a search word indicates that the word must be included (logical AND). A search for e.g. railway +canal shows all texts that contain both railway and canal.
  • - before a search word indicates that the word must not be included (logical NOT). railway -canal shows all texts that contain railway or exclude canal. To show texts that contain railway and exclude canal, the operator must be combined with the AND operator: railway +-canal.
  • " (straight quotation marks) around a phrase shows texts where the search words are adjacent in the exact specified order. For example, "new railway" shows texts where this exact phrase appears.
  • \* (asterisk) after a search word or part of a search word is used to find texts that contain words starting in a certain way. For example, rail\* shows texts that include railway, railcar, railroad, and raillery.
  • ( and ) are used to group search words and specify the order in which logical operations should be performed. For example, (railway canal) + (cost city) shows all texts where at least one of the words railway and canal and at least one of the words cost and city appear.
  • ~N (where N is an integer) after a search word or part of a search word performs a so-called fuzzy search. The number N indicates how close the search hits must be to the search word in terms of letters. For example, plane~1 shows texts that include plane, planes, plant, and plans.

Search operators can in most cases be combined. For example, cost +railway~2 +"saima canal" shows all texts that include both cost and various variants of railway and the exact phrase saima canal.

Start by entering search terms or applying filters.
